Learning to read is a transformative moment in the life of any child. For a child who has been struggling due to the lack of opportunity or skill, it can be particularly powerful.
When a child begins to catch up with peers in the classroom, he or she gains confidence. Social interactions and behavior problems improve. And children build strong vocabularies. And a thirst to learn give the correct resources and opportunities.
Yes, teaching is the school’s job. And parents can and must play a key role. But the reality is many schools … and families … don’t have the resources to focus on every struggling reader and not every parent has the time or capacity to ensure their kids are reading on the proper grade level. And the cost of new media is often prohibitive.
It is why we have often focused on funding programs that have volunteer tutors, or that provide adequate reading resources. This is especially true as class sizes grow in many communities. And sure, parents play a key role, reading and talking to children in the early years so that they’re building strong vocabularies.